Friday, April 2, 2010

First day with Polka - All fools day !

1st April 2010, Polka arrived home.

She was unbelieveably hyper active once she was let out of the van. The peaceful puppy that we saw at the farm was nowhere in sight.

Well, have you seen the movie Marley & me ? - she is Marley! Polka is an excited 3 month old puppy who barks, is full of ticks, is partially toilet trained and can follow some commands somewhat.

I signed the adoption papers and I looked at her - a confused puppy and an even more confused owner. Did I do the right thing, did I actually sign the papers or was it just an april fool's trick ?

She ran in and out of the living room into the patio and back. She was going crazy and suddenly hit the transparent glass door with a thud and whimpered ! Oh no the first hour with Polka and tragedy strikes! I was not sure if Polka was ok - she looked quiet and sad. Did she damage her head ? Is her brain intact ? Can she see properly ? Will she be able to run again ? What have I done? I should have kept the door open. I should have put her on the leash. I should have puppy proofed the house. I should have made hubby sign the adoption papers ;) My head was buzzing with bizarre thoughts.

After some google search and basic examination, I realized she was fine. She was soon back on her feet, exploring the new environment. She was calm, cautious and well behaved after the incident. I hope it lasts! Or do we have to repeat the performance ? (Ouch! did i say that aloud ?)

That night hubby and I decided to sleep in the living room with her. She slept fitfully but was happy to know we were around. We survived the first day and so did Polka !

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