Monday, November 29, 2010

Polka Talk

One day some aliens chanced upon the planet Earth.  After a keen observation, they concluded the rulers of the Planet Earth are  ... drum roll ... DOGS!

'Humans work to provide for their masters - the dogs. They clean up after them, shower them and ensure there's always food and water available.  Some confused beings also take them for spa treatments, hair color treatment and dog yoga.  Dogs are seen playing, running but mainly sleeping and relaxing. Hence we conclude: Dogs are the rulers of Earth.'

"If we are alone in the Universe, it sure seems like an awful waste of space." -Carl Sagan

Floating in Space

I love to jump. Bounce high up in the air and come down. No control; floating in air; the adrenaline rush. High on life.

I jump high and momentarily stay at the top and then let go. Something ain't right. The excruciating pain. I am on my back. Gravity sucks.

Hysteria and panic everywhere. A shot in the body. Out like a light.

Half opened eyes. On a bed. Lots of faces staring. Sleep.

The smell of sickness and medicines. A dying dog close by. Still groggy. Where am I?

The non-stop moaning. She is dying for sure. Caged in like animals, stacked up against each other. Closed spaces. Feeling doped.

Surrounded by sickness and depression. Attendants come in to check. Hard to keep eyes open. Tired.

The stench. The blazing eyes; She's struggling to stay alive. Drifting in and out.

Less dopey today. There he is with tears in his eyes The doctor comes in 'Couple more days. He needs a lot of rest'

Couple more days in here? NO! Take me home right now! Pat on my head, kisses on the forehead, the neck massage. 'Everything will be alright'  says he. I feel better already.

The smell of death. The whining. Penetrating eyes continue to stare. She's half dead for sure. Feeling sick. Couple more days..

A flick of the switch. Green men everywhere. Cages been cleaned. Drugged weak dogs. No struggle at all.

Cold eyes. A sudden blink of her eyelid. Still not dead. Trying to say something but no sound..

White light. Silence. No movement. No stench. Nothing. A teardrop glistens. I see a rainbow.

No pain anymore. Floating in space. Let this last longer. Feeling high once again.