Friday, June 11, 2010

My guru, My philosopher

It's been 3 months now and I can't imagine life without Polka. I wake up in the morning and Polka comes wagging her tail. When I get back home she jumps, ecstatic to see me.

The other day someone asked me "It must be nice to feel so loved and needed". Well no. It isn't nice that someone can love you so purely and be happy to see you always. No it isn't nice that someone can love you even if you scold them, snap at them or forget about their needs. No it isn't nice that someone can live in the moment and be content while you worry about petty issues and inflated egos. No it isn't nice.
It's very overwhelming and humbling!

The more intelligent we get, the less happy we are, the less happiness we share. I wish I am able to learn from Polka and just BE. Polka, my guru, my philosopher :)

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