Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Polka Talk

Polka dog Polka dog where have you been?
I was in the dog house but where have you been?

Whats in a name ?

I never talked to so many strangers before Polka came into my life. Dog walking usually leads to good conversations with dog lovers. The starter usually is ' how old is your dog? what breed' ?

I have tried different answers - 'stray', 'mixed breed', 'mongrel', 'singapore special', 'adopted' 'its a mix between a lab and a fox' and so on .... My answers don't have that punch that one would have while saying lets say 'German Shepherd' or 'Shetland Border Collie' or 'Doberman Pinscher'.

The reactions vary from 'what does that mean ?' to 'oh that's so kind of you to adopt' to 'i only talk to pure breeds'.

Polka does not mind. She wags her tail at anyone who cares to stop by. But I am not happy. For her sake, her respect, her confidence I need to think of a special name. The name has to be classy and should have at least 2 words. It should convey that Polka is a queen, a warrior, a great soul and at the same time it should be a reminder of her humble background. It has to have panache !

The conversation next time ..
DL (dog lover): what breed is it?
Me: Its a 'Royal Roadesian'
DL: Oh I have never heard of it
Me: Yes. Its quite exclusive. They are bred in absolute natural surroundings. The organic equivalent in dog breeds :)

Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Moonwalker

Last Sunday, Polka had a lunch date with two cute king charles cavalier girls - Bella and Toby. This was the first time the girls were meeting and it was fun to watch them interact.
My friend had hired a trainer for her girls and it was his weekly session that afternoon. The trainer had decided to bring his dog, Saber along to show(off) how well dogs can be trained. As soon as Saber arrived he went to each of the dogs individually to say hello. (Am Serious!)
And then the show began. Lights, Camera, Action! Saber come, Saber walk, Saber go, Saber tree, Saber talk, Saber talk louder!!! Saber listened, Saber performed. Then the trainer asked Saber to reverse, reverse left, reverse right, reverse, reverse, left, left, right, right .. It was one of the best moonwalks I have ever seen (RIP MJ). Saber was smooth, had rhythm and Billy Jean was playing in my head. It was fascinating! All of us including Toby and Polka were watching with our mouths open and tongues out:)
Except for Bella. She decided to snub this 'charade' and turned her back to it. She wasn't impressed. And that made me wonder - what was she thinking? what were they all thinking? Were they impressed with Saber? Would they like to be like him? Or were they happy to know that they will not be pushed, made to work harder, compete with other dogs to meet expectations, to reach the top spot in doggie schools.
Or is that just bad parenting on our part?

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Dog Lovers' Club

There are 3 kinds of people in this world. The non-dog-lovers, the toy-dog-lovers and the real-dog-lovers.

The non-dog-lovers are easiest to find in a crowd. The moment they see a dog, they look startled and fearful and try to keep as much distance from you as possible.

The toy-dog-lovers can be seen with cute, adorable, protected small creatures. Its not easy to notice them. Its usually a quick jerky movement, a tighter grasp at the leash that gives them away. The moment they see a normal dog, they walk hurriedly in the other direction to avoid any dog communication.

Then there are us. We approach all dogs, pat them, let our dogs mingle, share doggie tips and look at each other with that all-knowing look which seems to say 'We are superior. We are the real deal'

Friday, June 11, 2010

My guru, My philosopher

It's been 3 months now and I can't imagine life without Polka. I wake up in the morning and Polka comes wagging her tail. When I get back home she jumps, ecstatic to see me.

The other day someone asked me "It must be nice to feel so loved and needed". Well no. It isn't nice that someone can love you so purely and be happy to see you always. No it isn't nice that someone can love you even if you scold them, snap at them or forget about their needs. No it isn't nice that someone can live in the moment and be content while you worry about petty issues and inflated egos. No it isn't nice.
It's very overwhelming and humbling!

The more intelligent we get, the less happy we are, the less happiness we share. I wish I am able to learn from Polka and just BE. Polka, my guru, my philosopher :)

Polka Talk

On Microchipping dogs:
How far behind are humans ?